Idaho Speeding Laws and Ticket Penalties

Speeding laws and penalties for violations in Idaho.

By John McCurley , Attorney · University of San Francisco School of Law

Most Idaho drivers will, at some point, get a speeding ticket. This article explains how Idaho's two types of speed limits work and the penalties for a speeding violation.

How Do Idaho's Speed Limit Laws Work?

In Idaho, you can get a speeding ticket for violating a maximum limit or the basic speeding rule that requires motorists to always drive at a safe speed. Here's how these limits work. (Idaho Code Ann. § 49-654 (2024).)

Idaho's Basic Speed Rule

Idaho's basic speeding law prohibits driving at a speed that is "greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing." In other words—regardless of the posted limit—motorists must always keep it to a safe speed. What a "safe speed" might be just depends on the circumstances—things like weather, visibility, the road surface, and the like.

Maximum Speed Limits in Idaho

Idaho's maximum speed limits are straightforward—if you drive faster than a maximum limit, you've broken the law. Here are some of the more common maximum limits in the state:

These limits aren't applicable if another maximum limit is posted. Also, on certain roadways, motorists are generally allowed to exceed the speed limit by up to 15 miles per hour to pass a vehicle that's driving slower than the speed limit.

Penalties for a Speeding Ticket in Idaho

Drivers who are convicted of a speeding violation generally must pay $90 (for one to 15 miles per hour over the limit) or $155 (for 16 or more miles per hour over the limit). However, violations in construction zones will cost the driver $106.50 and violations in school zones carry fines and fees of $156.50.

A speeding violation will also result in the DMV assessing demerit points to the motorist's driving record.

It's also worth noting that drivers who successfully fight their speeding ticket won't have to deal with either of these consequences.

Reckless Driving and Vehicular Homicide Charges in Idaho

Depending on the circumstances, a speed violation could lead to a reckless driving charge. And if a speeding violation results in the death of another person, vehicular homicide charges are a possibility.